The seeds we have sown this year, I pray we will see and walk in the testimony of their rewards in 2008.
Through the journey this year, I'm pretty sure that we; individually, as a country, a nation, and as children of God have gone through different forms of wilderness, hills and valleys, but by His grace we have come through it all !
His presence has been comforting, providing direction, dispensing wisdom, giving encouragement, strength and lifting us up to a Higher plain! That we are alive today, is enough to give Him praise like the Psalmist in Psalm 138 1 -3:
"1 I will give you thanks with all my heart; I will sing praises to You before the gods. 2 I will bow down toward Your holy temple and give thanks to Your name for Your loving kindness and Your truth; For you have magnified Your word according to all Your name. 3 On the day I called, You answered me; You made me bold with strength in my soul."
And yes He has given us strength to gain the victory in 2007!
There are a million and one reasons why we should be thanking our father, I mean the list is endless! A few reasons why I have to thank God is because I AM:
Alive and Able
Blessed and Beautiful
Comforted by the most High father
Dead in Christ and risen with Him
Equipped by the power of His word
Fathered by the most high God
God's daughter
Highly favoured
Imitating my father
Joyful in a seasons
Kingdom bound
Nicely created
Overflowing with goodness
Purified by the blood of Jesus
Quality, not quantity
Victorious in battle
Zealous for my soon coming King!
Thus, for all that I am, for all His goodness, never-ending love and mercy towards me; I dedicate the next '31 days December 2007 countdown' to the Almighty one! I quench not my spirit and give Him thanks, as we are taught in 1 Thessalonians 5: 16- 18 and it reads:
"16Rejoice evermore.
17Pray without ceasing.
18In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
19Quench not the Spirit. "
On these pages, I pray that our praises, prayers and thanksgiving raises up to the heavens and arrives in His presence as sweet smelling sacrifices and that He is glorified through them all.
So how does this work you ask?
Every day, with the help of the Holy Spirit, I will aim to write a piece on these pages, and I will send you an email inviting you to present your thanksgiving of the day to the father!
Note: If you don't have a blogger account, you CAN STILL leave your contribution:
Click on the leave a comment link, use the text box to write your piece, signing your name at the end, and then click the anonymous button and press post comments! It's as simple as that!
, blessed people, get ready to rock the web with your praises and thanksgiving, backed with prayer and fasting; exiting 2007 on a high note, whilst setting the scene and getting ready for the road trip that awaits us in 2008! To God be the glory!!!
Have a wonderful day, getting ready your sacrifices of praise, thanksgiving and prayers to the one who truly matters; not forgetting to make Him famous along the way.
Much love
Remi Banjo
I leave you with this piece to warm us all up!
With one accord
Children of Zion
Coming together with one accord
Giving praises to the Lord
Embracing the essence of who You are
The wonder of your ways, a beauty to behold
The mysteries of your love for us
A marvel, since the days of old
Children of Zion
Coming together with one accord
Entertaining your majesty
With much praises, thanksgiving and dancing
Giving honour to your name
Our wonderful God!
©Remi Banjo, November 2007