Conjure up a need
calling forth in earnest
a hunger from deep within
Stretch forth your minds
expand the walls of your hearts
to make room for impending
invasions of the power of clarity!
Strain your ears to carefully listen
Through the midst of the winds
the sounds of her voice can be heard
Across the world's fields, coasts and
over the vast blue seas
She stretches forth her cords
sending out constant invitations to
every mind, spirit and elusive souls
Souls, stuck at crossroads, chained and
weighed down by strongholds
Awaken to my voice she cries...
"my ways are pure and most certainly sure"
She pleads for acceptance and acknowledgement
to the urgency of her call
She invites us to visualise, experience and
learn the intricacies of the father's will
making it our daily reality.
©Remi Banjo, June 2008To understand who our God truly is and what he desires of us, lies within boundless walls of wisdom. God's wisdom is infinite – it's never ending, ever building and ever teaching.
To acknowledge and understand in its entirety, the ramifications of what it means to live according to his will, means to; stretch forth our hearts in acceptance to wisdom's invitation and sending the confirmation to our souls.
It means to continuously keep hold (never letting go), of her teachings, the meanings that reside in therein, the representations and then imprint them into our lives, making it our reality.
It means to continuously meditate on God's word, for that is the source and fountain of wisdom.
James I:5 reads "If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking." – New Living Translation
The Message Bible translation (I love this translation!) Reads
" 5-8If you don't know what you're doing, pray to the Father. He loves to help. You'll get his help, and won't be condescended to when you ask for it. Ask boldly, believing, without a second thought. People who "worry their prayers" are like wind-whipped waves. Don't think you're going to get anything from the Master that way, adrift at sea, keeping all your options open."
Have an awesome day reaching out to and accepting the invitation to wisdom's call; enriching your minds, spirit and souls; not forgetting to make God famous along the way.
Much Love
Remi Banjo
***Pictures by Photobucket***
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6 months ago
May we heed the call, Amen
This is most illuminating. I love the way you skillfully arranged the words to make it ryhme.. cords, souls, crossroads and strongholds.
Thanks for the message,
God bless U- AMEN
I just loveeeeee the way u write. May god bless you richly, for breaking down things the way you do.
Wisdom indeed calls for more than an audience of one. It is wisdom that prolongs the days of a man, wisdom from God. The bible says no man is wise by himself but through God (paraphrasing).
Thanks darling! Have a beaurrriful weekend in the UK!!! Woohoo! (Its raining cats and dogs down here).
Simply true, simply true, once again, you've blessed us with your words of wisdom and insight....
wisdom indeed screams from the roof top, sending out signals to all who will listen.
well said
First time on your blog...really inspirational!
@30+ Amen...
@anonymous, thanks. Holy spirit's got cool skills :-))
@ lg Amen and God bless you too.
@Jaycee thanks dearie, hey the holy spirit is a great teacher, if we listen long and hard enough, he will explain things and they will be as clear as the blue skies on a summers day :-)
Awe .. rain rain.. for once, we have some sort of sun this weekend! lol.. thank you Lord.
You too, hope you are having an awesome weekend, despite teh weather...x x
@Debbie, thanks luv. Yes oh.. wisdom is screaming at the top of our lungs and I sincerely pray that God tunes our ears so we can hear her call. How are you luv?
@andy, thanks for visiting...
Ore mi.......... (I'm speechless, and you know that doesn't happen often!)
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