Ah! (sigh), where do I begin? This year, more than ever before, I have I have experienced the intricacies of God's love;
- What it means to be protected by his love
- What it means and how it feels to have peace because of his love
- What it means to draw strength from his love
- What it means and how to draw healing from his love, and
- What it means to live in abundance, simply because of his love.
This year, I have faced some tremendous trials and tribulations on ALL levels; spiritually, physically and emotionally. On all levels; there was an Everest to climb, a Jordan to swim across, a valley to trail through and a desert to survive in. But the perfect Love of God kept me safe from all harm. It is because of his wonderful love that I am victorious, alive and here today; able to testify of this love and its faithfulness. In so doing I pray to help someone fight their way to victory, experiencing this love and peace that transcends beyond all understanding.
In all that I have been through this year, God's love has been evident.
Whilst the storms were raging, his love, within my heart, my mind, spirit and soul, and my hemisphere, grew stronger and held me ever so closely. It created a solid shield of protection around me and for this experience, I am ever so grateful. The intricacies of God's love is awesome, it gives assurance; peace, comfort, joy and strength.
I can truly appreciate what the Psalmist David wrote in Psalm 36:5, which reads "Your love is faithful, LORD, and even the clouds in the sky can depend on you." If the clouds can depend on him, how much so we his children?
So today my wonderful Papa, the lifter of my head, my peace, my joy and my comforter, I come boldly, yet humbly and lay my box full to the brim with thanksgiving for the colours and nature of your love at your feet. Daddy, I pray it is a beautiful and sweet smelling offering in thy sight.
Beautiful people, here is your INVITATION....
Present your offering of thanksgiving at the Lord's feet, whilst making him famous as you go along your way.
Much Love
Remi Banjo
***Picture by Photobucket***
Where will I start from?
There are so many things I am thankful for. The first is for the fulfillment of purpose and the fulfillment of dreams. There were a lot of things I asked for at the beginning of the year and as I tick them off the list, I noticed that they've all been answered. So Lord thank you for answered prayers.
Kemi is thankful for life. Even when going through difficult and trying times, even through the tears I have shed, even through the constant attacks by the enemy, I will never ever get tired of living. Each day is an opportunity to achieve great things, to receive His love, and His grace and to experience His miracles. And this is why I'm thankful for my life. Thank you my Father.
cMehn, I am thankful for LOVE also. His love is so rich. He's faithful when I am faithless! He's been there...a shepherd behind a naive sheep!
Wow! I join in thanksgiving. I am thankful for God's faithfulness. On the firsr of Jan 08, I had 15 things I wanted him to do for me and through me! And he has answered 12! Let's just say I can't wait till the end of the month for him to suprise me with the remaining 3! He is too awesome for words! Daddy, THANK YOU!!!
I am thankful for each day I have been given, by Gods grace. I am thankful for the opportunity to go on and do better. My health, family and friends- the family we choose ourselves. I am also thankful for my teams wins over the last month...I'll say no more on that matter except that I am grateful! Toni.
I'm thankful for His mercies, that are new every morning. Mercy...not giving me what I do deserve (in wrath).
This fits into the "I believe in God" theme for today...:)
People ask me why I am so happy on a Monday morning and it is because I awoke with a song of praise on my lips for my God. As I look around me on this cold winter day and I am surrounded by sunshine, I am reminded that my God is an awesome God after all he did create me!
So thank you Lord for all your beautiful creations which we all sometimes take for granted or are too jaded with life's ups and down to appreciate but thank you for still continuing to show us that you are indeed a living God!
I am thankful for the friends I have who bully me into leaving this comment. I am thankful because despite the challenges each of us has faced this year, and the distance between us, we have found the time to put everything else aside and be there for one another. I am especially thankful for e-mail, I can't imagine a day going by without an email from them to brighten up my day and remind me of God's love shown through them.
phew......can I rest now?
I am thankful to still be here with the people i love, i got a phonecall that made me want to panic, i made 2 calls, one to the king of kings, the other to an earthly dad and it's all sorted. Thank God for God o..joining in this 31 days of praise
am just thankfull to be alive and paticipate in another 31 days of thnksgiving......
Kings kid
Thank you all for the comments; Father Lord,I pray that in the name of Jesus the thanksgiving and praise of your children presents a sweet smelling sacrifice in thy sight.
Lord, be glorified and be praised in our thanksgiving and praises this very day.
We thank and praise you because we believe.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for the fantastic week-end where I was baptised in the Holy Spirit.
May you take your place in my Heart and fill me with words of Wisdom in the name of Jesus.
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