Day 19…. What can I say, it's by His grace we have made it this Far.! Thank you Jesus.
As we fast approach the end of the year, I would like to encourage you to incorporate some prayer and fasting into your thanksgivings; to present your heart's desire to the father and to align you will with His, for 2008! Prayer, backed with fasting, wrapped around thanksgiving... a winning formula don't you think?
Well, today peeps, guess what? I am thankful for MY SANCTUARY! My home from home! Where my extended family resides. I am thankful for Newwine Church .
I am thankful for my sanctuary for it is where I come together with my brothers and sister in Christ and give crazy, uninhibited praise to the most High God as we are thought in Hebrews 10:25 "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. " Father I thank you, for I'm glad for the day I found this place where I can make Hebrews 10:25 my reality.
Yes, I am thankful for the day, I drove past (on the bus that is) in despair and in need, and the Holy Spirit literally tugged at me until I got off that same bus and walked into the sanctuary! That was the beginning of an eventful journey!
I am thankful for my sanctuary, because there, I have been, watered, fed, pruned, and sharpened, living out the realities of Proverbs 27:17 "Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend." Thank you Jesus.
In the same sanctuary I have been comforted, loved and nurtured in the reality of Hebrews 10:24 "And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:"
I am thankful for my sanctuary, for I am able to be live out the reality of being a servant for the Lord, living out the intricacies of Mark 9:35 "And he sat down, and called the twelve, and saith unto them, If any man desire to be first, the same shall be last of all, and servant of all."
I am thankful for the teams that accepted me into the fold, encouraged me to explore and utilise the gifts the good Lord has given me. I am truly thankful!
I am thankful for my sanctuary because I have found a family in every single person I am connected to in there!
Finally, I am thankful for my sanctuary because by being a part, I have been impacted with the spirit of Excellence! Oh my! There ain't nothing like it I tell you! It follows me everywhere I go, wherever I go. Father, I am so thankful!So today, wonderful father, I am thankful for the sanctuary you have planted me in. I am thankful for Newwine church. I am thankful for the people who have become my family, I am thankful for the teams who took me as I am,(talkative and all! :-) ), giving me an opportunity to becoming a faithful servant as you commanded. I am thankful for the words coming from the pulpit, the notes I am able to take, the lessons I have learnt, and that which is yet to come. I thank you for what you have done for us, what you are doing and what is yet to come. Daddy, I pray, let this be a sweet smelling sacrifice in thy sight. Be glorified, be praised.
Beautiful people, what are you thankful to the Lord for this very day?
Have a wonderful day, presenting your thanks to the Lord of lords and the King of glory.
Much Love
Remi Banjo
Together in Christ
Rooted in him
Defined by His love
Together in Christ
Trees planted,
in the blessed sanctuary
Growing stronger & Wiser
A family we stand
©Remi Banjo, December2007
I am thankful to my father for the family He has made me a part of .
I also remember the first day i passed thru Newwine church, i said to myself, 'this church looks very different'and the name amused me. I started the church to see the kind of wine they would give me and i was given the wine of life. The day i gave my life to christ remains the most memorable day of my life.
I thank God for people like u who He is using to encourage people to thank Him for anything and everything.
God bless u sweetie.
I will join you today to thank God for New wine.. I was going to leave it for the last 7 days... but hey here it is now...
What can I say about about a ministry that makes me travel 90 minutes to attend every meeting, and I don't even mind the journey. It suprises people that I have to do all that journey to go to church, ( are they no churches in north london?) but like they say "who no go , no know".
New wine is my home and its as important to me as the blood in my veins. so I thank God for making my sister point it out to me and for making me get on that bus that faithful sunday morning and for the choir singing my favorite worship song as I walked in... most importantly for the words that greeted me as I walked in..."WELCOME TO NEW WINE CHURCH, WHERE YOU ARE VALUED, NOT NUMBERED".
Thank you Lord. My steps were ordered right.
King's kid
Today I am thankful for simply knowing God!
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