Today, dear Lord, I am thankful for "Exodus 20:12!!! "
Exodus 20: 12 (New living Translation) 12 “Honor your father and mother. Then you will live a long, full life in the land the Lord your God is giving you.
That's a strange Thank you note isn't it?
I am thankful for the immense, unspeakable, unquantifiable joy that I have experienced and still experiencing, when I embrace that verse. In my life, and more so this very year, I have experienced unspeakable Joy, favour, elevation, increase, peace, calm and unquantifiable happiness, from simply living according to Exodus 20:12!!!
To simply see my parents settled, hear my father's soft, yet shaky laughter; my mother's teasings, her prayers as I walk through her very own front door! To see the joy on their faces, the love they give freely, regardless of all they have been through; that in itself is the best reward! But guess what? As if that wasn't enough, God goes and tops all that up with more blessings! Like I keep saying, He is too awesome for words!
To honor one's parents, especially in today's society, is definitely NOT an easy task, but do it, we have to and must, all the same.
Looking at Exodus 20:12 closely, it says " Then you will have long life" LONG LIFE!!! Ha! Have we looked around us lately? The mortality rate at the moment, is quite scary! The various ways the enemy uses to shorten lives is too many to mention! One of which is the nature and culture of selfishness; a 'me' society; where everyone is after themselves, attack on family life and removal of respect for one self and elders! Lives, which are filled to brim with all the goodness God put into it, going to the graves unused, untouched!
Reading the verse further, it continues to say " Then you will have long FULL life" Not only will we have a long life, but we will have a FULL one! I liken full here to mean, filled with all sorts of God's richness; Blessings, gifts, inspiration, love, friendship, comfort and many more! You name it, our lives will be filled with such blessings when we simply act out the reality of Exodus 20:12!!! Isn't that wonderfully amazing?
Ephesians 6: 1 - 3 builds on this command even further, it reads:
1Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.
2Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise;
3That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.
Imagine that! The first commandment with a PROMISE ! And you know our God is a just God huh? He WILL keep His promises!
So yup, today dear, wonderful, beautiful, magnificent father, my daddy; I bring to you, my box of thanksgiving, filled to the brim with thanksgiving for Exodus 20:12. I thank you for the ability to walk and experience it's reality and it's blessings. I pray daddy, that my box of thanks, is pleasant in thy sight, and that it emits a sweet smelling fragrance in your presence, in Jesus name. Be glorified.
Have a wonderful day presenting your box of thanks to the God who resides way above the heavens, yet reaches down to give us ear; not forgetting to make Him famous, even more so than yesterday.
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6 months ago
i'm so thankful for the grace to honor my parents...
i really enjoyed this post...
I thank God for giving me the grace and wisdom to honour my parents... but most importantly i thank him for giving me the wisdom to honour him.
That was a wonderful piece and also yesterday's...God will continue to give u the strength to write these mesages.
Where do i start, i'm thankful, sooo thankful for the presence of God in my life,knowing that i have the king of kings, the lord of lords, jehovah jireh, jehovah nissi with me, wow!!!.
The father that raises people from the dead, the one that protects people in fires, the one that delivers from lions, the one that parts seas, the one that heals the sick, the one that sets captives free, the father that is eager to fight my battles for me, the one that blesses and no one can curse, the father of the fatherless, thank you father, thank you!!
You know the scripture that says: i will never leave you nor forsake you, even until the end of ages. guys hold on to this, in every circumstance, cos he is soo faithful, my life is a testimony to this.
I thank God for giving me a second chance to obey his word. I thank God for the grace and the strength to indeed obey my parents, and for the blessings that will come as I act in obedience. Now to make some phone calls!
Regarding Exodus 20:12, I thank God, that my mothers faith and her prayers have kept her strong enough to nurture us over the years. I am thankful that our glorious God has directed her in guiding us, and continues to do so. I pray that that we are all graced with the courage, faith and tenacity to obey our ultimate parent, our Father in heaven.
Today am thankful for my new job and all the opportunities it offers.
For being exposed to collegues that whistle at work to the women that talk from 9am to 5pm.. regardless am thankful that I have an office to go to every morning.
Above all I love the God that blesses the works of my hands and prospers me. Thank you Father. I LOVE YOU WITH EVERY FIBER OF MY BEING.
I am thankful for the grace to look after my parents. Even though my mother drives me up the wall; I am honoured to be able to make her comfortable in her winter years.
well done sweetheart.
You're a blessing, Babs
Parents and aunties and uncles, I am thankful for. The love and support and encouragement they give you - oh wow! I thank my God for the most wonderful parents ever. May God continue to bless them.
I thank God for my country. Thank you father for the beautiful natural beauty that Sierra Leone possesses. Thank you God that your spirit continues to grow in that place. And I will thank you now for the miracles you have performed and will continue to perform as you speak to the leaders of that country. I thank you sweet Lord that we have survived a 10 year civil war, and are now attempting to rebuild. Thank you my loving Father, that even though I don't live there, I still have a deep connection with Sierra Leone and I pray Lord that you will provide me with guidance as to what I can contribute to my country and my fellow country men.
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