Wednesday, 1 December 2010

JOIN US TODAY - 31 Days Thanksgiving & Praise

It is that time of the year again when everyone counts down towards the end of the year. Some count their losses and failures, BUT we choose to count our blessings, and give thanks to the most High one, who has kept us safe despite various trials and tribulations. 

How about you?  What will you do? Will you look bad in sadness and misery or in Thankfulness to God that you made it through and for His future plans for you?

as we embrace a season of Thanksgiving and Praise to God.  

Join us as we "Make a joyful noise unto the LORD and  serve Him  with gladness  in thanksgiving and praise" 

Join us and be 
Uplifted and Inspired in God's love and faithfulnesss, 

Lets end this year strong, in thanksgiving and praise; making God famous all the way.


David C Brown said...

"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good pleasure in men."

David C Brown said...

You've been a bit quiet recently - are you doing okay? Keep counting the blessings!