Saturday, 7 August 2010


The Lord has given you trouble and sorrow as your
food and drink. But now you will again see the Lord,
your teacher, and he will guide you. Whether you turn to
the right or to the left, you will hear a voice saying,
"This is the road! Now follow it." 

God's desire is for us to have the best of Him and He is committed to helping us follow specific road maps leading us to it.  He has designed a specific pathway for each and every one of us and along the way, specific things for us to do. 

However, the truth is that we are sometimes as stubborn as the children of Israel that we don't see, hear or sense His leading, or teaching, not to talk of following His instructions.  Now because God's will for our lives is bigger than us and the fact that other lives are dependant on its manifestation, God will sometimes introduce certain situations to get our attention and bring us back on the right path. 

God will use the appropriate circumstance or event (pleasant or painful) to get our attention, and bring us back into the realms of His will.

Here are some ways He may use to get our attention:

  • A Restless Spirit: Sometimes we will find ourselves restless from deep within.  It is feeling we mostly cannot understand or identify why it is there.  We can't focus, eat, sleep or think straight, we are just restless for no reason, it seems. The best thing to do at this time is to pray and ask God what He is trying to teach or show us.  Usually when this happens, He is trying to move our attention towards something. We will do well and save ourselves a lot of sleepless nights when we pay attention to a restless spirit within us.
  • Unanswered Prayers: I can testify to this one and I am sure most of you reading this can. Think about it, you fast, pray, roll on the floor, shout, jump, scream, quote and support it with scripture, yet, the prayers are not answered. Yes, it can be extremely confusing and frustrating right? Everybody who takes God and prayer seriously must deal, sooner or later with the problem of unanswered prayer.  This is a hard one, however God is sovereign and every unanswered prayer situation is different and He helps us accordingly.  Some of my thoughts and how God has helped me with these are: I was praying for selfish reasons as explained in James 4:3, which reads "You ask and do not receive, because you ask(A) wrongly, to spend it on your passions.", I prayed, yet did not have absolute faith that I received what I prayed for.  There was the nagging feeling of "what if and buts and maybe", just as explained in Matthew 21:22, which reads "And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.”. I had iniquity in my heart which I either knew or did not know about as explained in Isaiah 59:2, which reads "But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he does not hear."   It could be also be other things such as praying for something genuine, but at the wrong time. When we pray it is important to ask God to help us understand how the answer or non answer fits into the greater scheme of things, the live of others and His Kingdom.

  • A Spoken (audible) Word: God sometimes uses the words like He gave a messages to Samuel and to Eli the priest as we read in 1 Samuel 3:4-18.  A good way to know that God is speaking through other is when quite a few people, within a short space of time are saying the same thing which connects to a burden or a prayer in your heart. 

  • Unusual Blessings:  God sometimes blesses us in unusual ways  which is meant to turn us towards Him. He shows us kindness love, even when we least expect it. It should encourage us to praise and thank Him and use it for His glory. Romans 2:4 explains it so well, it reads "You surely don't think much of God's wonderful goodness or of his patience and willingness to put up with you. Don't you know that the reason God is good to you is because he wants you to turn to him?"

  • Disappointments: Is that a sigh I heard ripple through blogsville?.  Yes, we can all relate to this one right?  Just like He did with the children of Israel many years ago, God uses disappointments to bring some of us back to repentance, and back into the fold of His will.  Setbacks are meant to keep us from walking into a future we have mapped out for ourselves, as opposed to God's.  An example we find in the bible was when the children of Israel refused to follow God's command to take possession of the promised land. God judged them through disappointment for their unbelief and disobedience, to bring them to repentance and turn back to Him.  This we read Numbers 14:27-32 and the reaction of Israel when they realised their wrong is recorded in Numbers 14:39-40 (please read for completion). They became remorseful, repented and turned to God in obedience.

  • Financial Troubles: In Judges 6-17, we see how God brought judgement to the children of Israel through the Midianites. It was only when God took away all their material belongings, did they cry out to Him.  You see, they were dependent on and trusted in the riches they had and had no regard for God. What are we dependent on and trust in?  Our 'things' or God?.  When our trust is invested in the blessings of God (cars, houses, fame ) rather than the one who blesses - God , to refocus our priorities, He might take them all away.

  • Tragedy, Sickness and Affliction:  I have learnt that in this life, tragedies will come, whether we like it or not. However, I have also learnt to regard them as a reason and opportunity to get even closer to God.  Romans 8:28,"We know that God is always at work for the good of everyone who loves him. They are the ones God has chosen for his purpose...". Tragedy, sickness and affliction, when we endure, we realise that God will eventually worked it out for our good and for His glory and it brings us closer to Him.

God will use the above and more if required to get our attention and bring us back on the right path if we have strayed.  God knows exactly where we are in our journey of faith. He knows when we start straying away from the path, and He will do whatever is required to put us on the right path.

God is such a good God that even the adversity He might allow is limited, just like He did with Job.  God allowed Satan to persecute Job, but limited him not to hurt or kill him. Job 1:12 and Job 2:6 - (please read for completion).   All He does is for our own good.

I encourage you to stay strong, and be assured that whatever you might be going through, God is right there with you. Stay focused and alert. If you notice any of these things patterns (or others),  happening to you time and time again, pause and ask "Lord what are you trying to tell, show or teach me at this time".  He wants to tell and show you all the good things in store for you.   

He wants to see His will come alive in you; He wants to make a beautiful and glorious testimony out of the very makings of you. 

Much Love , Remi
***pictures by photobucket***



jhazmyn said...

I'm a strong believer of God's chastening love, sometimes, He allows us go through seasons so we may grow....not for the fun of it but because of the deep measure of His love for us.

I take comfort in that and pray that for every season, I would walk in wisdom and not in ignorance cos the latter would cost me more than I ever bargained for

Anonymous said...

am loving the sign languuage bit... very innovative and ground breaking... weldone love

King's kid

Remi, United Kingdom said...

@ Jhazmyn, so true oh.. so true.. God help us. Listening to wisdom and walking in its obedience is the they key. I pray God helps us to understand every season we are in, be it an easy or difficult one. How are you doing? Have a great weekend.

@king's kid - lol.. thank you.. we figured we go to take everyone alone with us on this journey of learning and growing together... Hearing or no hearing - Like I always say - we thank God for TECHNOLOGY!!! How are the books doing? :-))

Tolulope Popoola said...

Thank you so much for this post, and everything you said resonates with me. I find that when I start slacking or drifting away from God for whatever reason, He finds a way to bring me back to Him. He loves me too much to let me go my own way all the time.

God's love is so immeasurably awesome, we should not even question it at all.

David C Brown said...

Thank you for a good and scriptural setting out. Most of all, He wants us to learn Himself.

Jennifer A. said...

Very true and real post, God will get our attention in some ways...He looks and sees the best ways to get our attention, and He uses those mediums.

I love this scripture ---> "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, you will hear a voice saying,
"This is the road! Now follow it."
Isaiah 30:20-21

Jennifer A. said...

Just a random thought, if your friend who does the prison ministry is willing to write about any life-changing experience she has had while ministry, I would so love to feature it. Thanks for sharing that with me :D

Truevined said...

I love this article.
I second that God can use such situations and more to get our attention.

I also love Isaiah 30:20-21
It really goes well with this post...

Kafo said...

this post is for me
Unanswered Prayer: what you said is soo true, i have been trying to pray and at the same time prepare for the worst case scenerio and i dunno ....
is this lack of faith or just preparation just in case. so many prayers have been answered and there have been others that haven't and so i dunno ....