Tuesday, 2 December 2008

31 Days of Thanksgiving and Praise - Day 2

The Psalmist David writes in Psalm 122:1 "I was glad when they said to me, Let us go to the house of the Lord"

I can relate totally to this verse and so today, I am thankful to God for the sanctuary he has planted me in. I am thankful to God for Newwine Church.

I remember the day I found this sanctuary, I had just moved to the area where the Church is situated. I was on the bus, my heart and spirit was downcast, I was actually crying because everything I knew to be right in my hemisphere had just turned upside down, I was distressed and to say I was sad would have been an understatement.

As I sat at the back of the bus, tears were rolling down my face, and I was getting strange stares from people around me. I looked out the window, to the right and I saw the sign "New Wine Church". The tears somehow seemed to stop and I mused over the sign, I thought, "that is a funny name for a church". I got home, but was still thinking about Newwine, and wondered if they sold wine there or something. I remember the day was a Friday afternoon. The next day, a Saturday, I rode the bus past the church again and was still transfixed by the name, so I made a decision to go there on Sunday and see what this New Wine was all about. Maybe I would get a free bottle of wine or something, besides I thought, I could do with a glass or two with what I am going through". Sunday came, I went, rekindled my relationship with God, and the rest as they say, is history. What a divine appointment that was!

So yes today I am thankful for the sanctuary where God has planted me. I am thankful for the very presence and nature of NewWine Church.

I am thankful for it is the place where:
  • Where I met with God, again and my faith was lifted!
  • I am fed spiritually
  • Where I have learnt the meaning and act of serving God and man
  • I learnt about the numerous gifts and abilities I have and use them to glorify God
  • I have learnt about the spirit of Excellence
  • I have made awesome friends who are now,my family
  • I have learnt to be humble
  • I have learnt how to receive, and give in return
  • I can come together with my fellow brothers and sisters and worship you in spirit and in truth
  • I can dance to my hearts content whilst I sing your praise and much more
Ah papa, I am thankful for that faithful day that I saw the sign Newwine Church, and the day I walked through those doors. I have never been the same again!

So yes, today dear daddy, I come to you with my basket full of thanksgiving and praise and lay it at your feet, and I say a BIG THANK YOU FOR NEW WINE CHURCH. Papa, I pray this is a sweet smelling fragrance in thy sight. Be glorified and be praised in my thanksgiving and in my praise.

Beautiful people, here is your INVITATION


Go on, present your offering of Thanksgiving wrapped in praise at the masters feet today and in so doing, encouraging someone and making him famous along the way.

Much Love
Remi Banjo
***Pictures by Photobucket***


LG said...


Anonymous said...

Today i am thankful because 2008 for me has been the year of new beginnings. A new year of living debt free. New relationships - even with family members! New revelations of the depth to which God loves me. New desires in my life. New revelations about my own character. I am so thankful for all of these!

Blog police - Can i rest today?

Anonymous said...

I will enter His gates with Thanksgiving in my heart.
I will enter His courts with praisseee.
I will say this is the day that the Lord has made.
I will rejoice for He has made me glad.
He has made me glad, He has made me glad.
Jesus has made me gladddddddd.
He has made me glad, He has made me glad.
I will rejoice for He has made me glad.

I thank GOD for the praise and worship. For the chance to sing His praise every day. For the natural talent He has given to song writers and musicians that come up with these songs. For the talented singers that fill me with the Holy Spirit when I hear them sing. I thank God for giving me sight to read, hearing to listen, voice to sing and shout for joy, hands to clap and legs to dance.


deola said...

This is a discovery.

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for the extra hour of sleep God gave me this morning and for the warm seat on the train on the way into work. I am thankful that God provides me with a warm house and loving friends and family and giving me cause to smile and be happy every single day!

Anonymous said...

I thank you God for the people that have made a difference in the world. Those that have achieved to bring the rest of us this far, those that provide the inspiration and vision. I pray that we can align our vision and actions with what you have destined for us, trusting that they will bring us joy everlasting, Amen.


Straight from the heart said...

I am thankful today for what I have and not what I don't have. it is easy to see our cups as half empty rather than half full. So I choose to put things in perspective and thank God anyhow.

Lolia said...

I am thankful that He's seen us through yet another year :)

Anonymous said...

Today am grateful for my fmily. especially for my brand new nephew even though he refused to share my birthday.

Thank you father

Kings kid

Anonymous said...

I'm thankful for M&S Percy Pigs! And for God seeing it fit to let me keep my teeth for another year...awesome.


Remi, United Kingdom said...

Father Lord, we all place our thanksgiving comment in thansgiving wrapped up in praise, be gloried through our act of thankfulness, as we make you famous along the way....

Lots of love daddy!!!!xxxx