Wednesday, 17 December 2008

31 Days Thanksgiving and Praise - Day 17

Psalm 100 1 – 5
Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands.
Serve the LORD with gladness:
come before his presence with singing.
Know ye that the LORD he is God:
it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves;
we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
Enter into his gates with thanksgiving,
and into his courts with praise:
be thankful unto him, and bless his name.
For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting;
and his truth endureth to all generations.

Keep thanking, and keep praising for father is listening and acknowledging.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today Father, I am ever so thankful for my Freedom; of body, mind and spirit.

Freedom can be defined or described as thus:

  • Personal liberty, as opposed to bondage or slavery
  • Exemption from the presence of anything specified (example, freedom from fear)
  • The absence of ceremony or reserve – e.g. religion
  • The right to enjoy all the privileges or special rights of citizenship, membership … in God’s Economy
  • The condition of being free from restraints
  • The right to unrestricted use; full access to God

I am thankful that for freedom because I am free to be my unique self, hence making the intrinsic nature of God; after all I am made in his image as Genesis 1:27 confirms, which reads " So God created human beings[a] in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them."

I am thankful for freedom because I am not in bondage or in slavery to this world, Jesus has set me free as declared in Galatians 5:1, which reads "So Christ has truly set us free. Now make sure that you stay free, and don’t get tied up again in slavery to the law."

I am thankful for freedom because I am not bondage to needless religion, I am free to serve and worship God in spirit and in truth, from my heart; such as described in John 4:24, which reads "For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth.”

I am thankful for freedom because I am free to utilise all the privileges that comes with being a child of God, from being a resident of his economy.

I am thankful for freedom because it allows me to have full access to my father in heaven, as explained in Hebrews 4:16, which reads "So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most."

I am thankful for freedom because I am able to be a witness to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, without being prosecuted or gagged.

So, dear papa, today, I place my basket full of thanksgiving and praise thanking you for my freedom. I am ever so thankful to be free to be all you have made me to be, free to embrace my uniqueness and my individuality. Free from the world’s sin and bondage, and free to worship you in spirit and in truth.

Lord, I pray my basket full of thanksgiving wrapped up in praise is a beautiful and sweet smelling in thy presence. Be glorified in my thanksgiving and honored in my praises today. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.



I invite you to present your basket filled with thanksgiving, wrapped up in praise at the masters feet today; making him famous as you glorify his holy name.

Much Love

Remi Banjo

***Pictures by photobucket***


Anonymous said...

Today I am thankful for good health. I am not bound up in a hospital bed bed unable to move. I am thankful that Jesus bore all my illnesses that day on the cross, and I am tres grateful for that. Lord i thank you for it is by your grace and mercy I am able to do all this.


K - beat that!

Anonymous said...

Today am thankful for pefect health.... I remember he song..

some have food but cannot eat
some can eat but have no food
I have food and I can eat
Glory be to you oh Lord


King's kid

Truth said...

I am thankful today because i would have been bound on my bed this morning, but freedom came through His spirit. I am thankful for a sound mind, set free to think right,set free to relate with people of like mind, set free to move to and fro whereever i choose to go. I am very thankful for the freedom i enjoy in being what He made me to be. A lot of things to be thankful for through the freedom He gave me, so thank my Heavenly Father for the freedom that i enjoy in knowing you

Anonymous said...

I am grateful that I have a had job for the past 12yrs. That I don't dread comnig into work, for all my colleagues (the ones that are easy to get on with, and the others that have been sent into my life to test my patience). As I sit here, and look around me, I realize how lucky I am to be in this office environment. I'm not saying it's perfect, I have had my ups and downs here, but there are people in far worse situations, with jobs they hate, and colleagues that make their lives miserable. I would like to take this opportunity to pray for my company and colleagues, for them to build on their relationship with You Father, and that You use me as a beacon in this office. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Zoe Believer said...

Thank you father for your goodness and for maturity. Things that would make me so mad for days, I can now get over in two hours (lol!) nothing do me...thank you father.

Jennifer A. said...

"The right to unrestricted use; full access to God..."

Lord, I thank you for the freedom to enter your gates, for freedom to enter your courts, for freedom to bask in your presence, for the freedom as a "son" who can boldly call upon you as "Father."

Lord, in this season also, I want to thank you for "family". And I want to thank you for the idea you gave me this morning, to make someone joyful this Christmas by making them part of a family. I thank you for the opportunity to share your love with others this Christmas!

Remi, United Kingdom said...

Thank you everyone. Keep being thankful, keep praising, keep declaring his faithfulness acros this land.
Father, I pray the thanksgiving and praises your children present to you on these very pages is acceptable in your presence. Be glorified, honored and praised, in our attempts to say THANK YOU for ALL you have done, are doing and will do; with, through and for us - all for YOUR glory. In Jesus name - AMEN.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Lord for long awaited phonecall, it was worth the wait. Thanks you Lord for keeping me happy, for uplifting me, for giving me a voice to sing your praises (not sure if my neighbours will thank you though!)